Address the Source of Your Hammertoe & Discover a New Minimally Invasive Solution

Get Back to Doing What You Love.
“Don’t wait until (your hammertoe) becomes as severe as mine - The TenoTac technology gave me back the mobility that I'm needing to continue to do these uneven terrain activities that I prefer with ZERO limitations”
Pam G. — Michigan, US
You’re Not Alone.
It is very common for Americans to live with a hammertoe, but there are options for correction. A hammertoe can occur in every toe but are frequently seen in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th toes. This condition is often accompanied by gradually worsening pain, which can hinder daily activities.
What Causes a Hammertoe? 1
The most common cause of a hammertoe is an imbalance between the muscles in the toes. This imbalance tends to get worse over time, causing the toe to appear bent.
Hammertoes can occur in one or more toes. The muscle imbalance may be due to many causes, including abnormal foot structure, inflammatory arthritis, diabetes, trauma, or a neuromuscular disorder.
A Better Option for Your Hammertoe
A Smaller Scar.
Our simple system reduces the length of the incision, resulting in smaller scars when compared to traditional approaches.
Mobility Maintained.
With other procedures, the motion of the toe after surgery may be limited because the bones have been fused or tendons have been released. While preserving the original attachment site of the tendon, the TenoTac implant provides an additional attachment to provide stabilization of the toe in a corrected position.
Get Back on Your Feet.
Patients may immediately put weight on their corrected toe following surgery. However, a post-operative period of limiting “push off” is recommended.

What is TenoTac®?
TenoTac is Paragon 28®’s patent-pending procedure and soft tissue fixation system designed to permanently address the source of your hammertoe as opposed to other treatment options.
How It Works
You are your own second opinion. You know what you are doing and what makes sense. Your toe is straight in large part due to a balance between the pulling and contracting power of the muscles and tendons that run along the top and bottom of your toe. Hammertoes are a result of an imbalance in these pulling powers.
The TenoTac® System restores the anatomy of the toe. The device rebalances the tendons at the bottom of the toe that have become stiff and contracted due to the overpowering soft tissues along the top of the toe.
A surgeon using our TenoTac® System manually straightens the toe, and the tendons along the bottom of the toe are stabilized and tacked in place, rebalancing the toe. The system requires a small incision on the bottom of the toe and a small incision on top of the toe to facilitate placement of the implant with no bony cuts made during the TenoTac® procedure. Patients may experience less postoperative swelling, pain, and scarring when compared to traditional flexor tendon transfer, and/or fusion procedures.
The newly refined TenoTac by Paragon 28® is advanced surgical appliances and tools designed to give your surgeon the greatest control possible, ensuring the replicable results you deserve.
Hear from the Experts.
"Flexor tendon transfer with TenoTac® incorporates direct incisions from skin to the target tendon or bone and avoids the soft tissue dissection/tunneling needed for traditional digital flexor tendon transfer. Using the TenoTac technique, I have seen significantly less postoperative swelling and pain versus traditional tendon rerouting techniques”
- Douglas Blacklidge, DPM | Kokomo, IN

Explore some impressive results from the newest minimally invasive solution for hammertoe, claw toe, mallet toe, crossover toe and floating toe.
What Surgeons Have to Say About TenoTac
“I have used tendon transfer procedures for over 20 years to correct toe deformities such as hammertoes. Tendon balancing procedures are indispensable for any foot and ankle surgeon and the Paragon 28 TenoTac has more than refined this century old procedure. The device minimizes the soft tissue disruption and associated swelling while creating a new attachment for a flexor tendon. TenoTac allows your surgeon to correct the tendon imbalance with precision.”
“The TenoTac Soft Tissue Fixation System has been a game-changer in the way surgeons are able to treat hammertoes. We now have a system which can ‘dial in’ the proper amount of correction based on the unique deformity. The system has been shown to be reproducible and less invasive than previous hammertoe techniques.”